Removing Unsightly Bags under Your Eyes

Tips for Breast Augmentation Recovery

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If you are planning on going through with a breast augmentation, you might want to learn a little about what to expect during the recovery process. This way, you will have less to worry about and you will be less likely to come across too many problems. Therefore, take a moment to reflect on the following tips on things to do after you come home from your surgery. Take It Easy…

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Microdermabrasion: 2 Reasons It Is Better For Your Skin Than At-Home Face Scrubs

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If you are like many people, you may have heard of professional microdermabrasion, but you don’t know exactly what the procedure involves. You may also wonder whether it is worth the small investment over using at-home face scrubs that also remove dead, dry skin from your face. The truth is that microdermabrasion is much better for your skin than those over-the-counter or DIY face scrubs, and here are two reasons why.…

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4 in-Office Treatments for Fading Freckles and Sunspots That Really Work

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If you love the sun or have spent a great deal of time outdoors in the past, you are prone to develop sunspots. Also called age spots and liver spots, sunspots are caused by exposure to UV light. When the skin is exposed to such light, the skin produces more melanin, or skin pigment, in an effort to protect the skin from the sun’s damaging rays. This phenomenon usually results in a tan that fades over time, but it can also cause spots of color to form on the skin – spots that won’t fade.…

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