As people age, facial features that were once full and lifted can begin to sag. For so long people have turned to surgical procedures, like the famous facelift, to combat this common side effect of getting older. These procedures are often daunting and can come with grueling recovery periods, but for so long they were the only option. Luckily, modern innovation has now provided an alternative: anti-aging skin fillers. Unlike traditional facelifts, anti-aging dermal fillers don’t even require general anesthesia, and they are incredibly effective.…
Smoking can cause smoker lines to appear over time. In the beginning, these lines are faint but if you do not quit smoking, they will become much more noticeable and can get much deeper. Fortunately, there are ways to treat these lines, three of which are listed below.
With Botox the dermatologist injects the solution into each wrinkle. The muscles then start to weaken, which will make fine lines go away.…
You have probably seen a friend that got a Botox treatment and completely transformed their look. The popularity of the treatment has risen over the past decade. It is a simple and pain-free way to smooth the wrinkles and restore the youthfulness and elasticity that collagen gives the skin. However, there is still much mystery surrounding Botox treatments. For this reason, you should understand the procedures well before getting the treatment.…