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Plastic Surgery Jobs Gone Awry: What You Can Do Now and in the Future

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Most plastic surgeons do excellent work. However, there are times when surgeons make mistakes, or when complications from plastic surgery procedures develop. When this happens, the procedure may be referred to as a "botched job." If your plastic surgery procedure went heinously wrong, you should know what your options are to fix it. 

See Another Plastic Surgeon

Most people who have had one unfortunate surgery with one surgeon are reluctant to see the same surgeon to fix what went wrong, even if it is not the surgeon's fault. If that is how you feel about what happened to you, you do have the option of seeing another plastic surgeon for a consultation. The consultation will reveal whether or not another surgeon can fix the botched surgery and/or correct the scarring. If another surgeon says that he or she can fix what has gone wrong, it will cost you more money, but then you can rest assured knowing that this follow-up procedure will make you whole again. 

Explore Prosthetics

Surprisingly, prosthetics have come a very long way. You can get new nipples to replace nipples lost to necrotic tissue, a new prosthetic nose when most of the tissue from your nose job becomes infected and has to be excised, or even replacement jawbones when a facelift goes wrong and infects the jawbone. Prosthetic experts can match material, pigment, hardness and softness, and even make the prosthetic body part completely seamless. If you would rather not have further corrective surgery to fix a cosmetic procedure gone wrong, you can opt for a prosthetic body part as a replacement for anything you lost. 

Prevention for Future Surgeries

If you are not entirely turned off of plastic surgery when just one procedure does not work out as planned, you should do as much as you can to prevent a similar incident. This includes heavily educating yourself about the procedure you want and the risks involved, as well as the percentage of people who encounter post-surgical problems. Also, be aware that certain health conditions, such as diabetes and hemophilia, put you at greater risk of infection, necrotic tissue, and slow healing. 

Meet with several plastic surgeons, not just to see what the costs of a procedure will be, but also to get a thorough evaluation regarding how good of a candidate you are for the desired procedure. If even one surgeon tells you not to go through with a procedure, give it some serious thought. Additionally, always make sure that your chosen surgeon is currently licensed in your state and has several years of experience doing the procedure you want. 

Call a doctor like Travis Shaw M.D. for more information about cosmetic surgery.
